Instagram live with Pediatrician Dr. J and Allergist and Asthma Specialist Dr. Agboola

Allergy season is upon us. Dr. J teamed up with local Allergist and Immunologist Dr. Agboola,  founder of Ilera Allergy, to discuss how you and your family can find some relief during this  allergy season. Keep a lookout for more virtual collaborations and guest blog posts in the coming months!

Dr. J: Why are the allergies SO bad in this area? It seems like people move to the area and begin having symptoms that they have never had before. 

Dr. Agboola: The DMV area has an atmospheric bubble over it created by the water systems around us (Potomac river and Atlantic ocean), that keeps pollen trapped in the air! In general, climate change has caused longer flowering seasons, increasing the amount of CO2 and pollen in the air for longer than before. Some patients experience symptoms as early as January! 

Dr. J: What should patients use at the first sign of allergies?

Dr. Agboola: There are great over the counter (OTC) allergy relief options out there. Nasal spray, like fluticasone (Flonase) and non-drowsy antihistamines (Allegra, Zyrtec, Claritin and their generic alternatives) can be your first line of daily defense.

Avoid antihistamines that cause fatigue and drowsiness like Benadryl (diphenhydramine) for daily use.  As always- dose appropriately! Refer to the back of the products box or reach out to Dr. J or your primary care provider to verify how much medication you or your child should be taking.

Oftentimes nasal spray alone isn’t enough, and a nasal rinse is what you need to really free up your sinuses. Using some type of neti pot frequently ( even multiple times a day) can help alleviate symptoms

For patients that like using more natural remedies, running a diffuser with essential oils like echinacea, tea tree or lemon at home can naturally open up the nasal cavity. 

Dr. J: When and why should someone go see an Allergist?

Dr. Agboola: Your immune system works constantly to fight off outside intruders like allergens. So while it may ‘just be seasonal allergies’, your body is in overdrive, and many people experience severe cold-like symptoms and fatigue.

If your allergies are impacting your quality of life, talk to your physician. If you are not finding relief using over the counter medicines, talk to you physician, you may need to be referred for an allergist appointment! It can help you find the ‘why’ behind your allergies, investigate what you’re reacting specifically to, and build the right treatment plan.

Allergy treatment can help you reduce your symptoms long term. For example, Allergists have desensitization therapy that gets your immune system adjusted to specific allergens to lower your overall symptoms.

Be prepared and have an allergy safety plan!

Dr. Agboola’s final thoughts: All people who suffer from allergies should be prepared and have a plan for what to do when their symptoms become more severe. Know who you’ll call and what steps you’ll take and this is especially true for those with asthma! A step-up inhaler may be needed in the allergy season.

Written by Clinical and Operations Assistant Maxine DeVeaux