Going into fall with healthy intentions

Fall brings many changes. The beautiful changing color of the leaves and the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot. The crisp, cool air. The sound of school buses and children excited about school.

For pediatrician-mamas such as myself fall also brings many challenges. The leaves falling means the start of allergy and asthma season. The calls begin as soon as the first leaves begin to fall. The crisp, cool air with no humidity means eczema flares for my little patients with sensitive skin. And the start of school means the reintroduction of so many viral illnesses. As a mother I feel like my children are sick every single day. As a pediatrician, I am there when my patients call because their little ones are sick yet again. It can all feel so overwhelming but I take a breath and remember, this is just a passing season.

Here are some things I remind myself this time of year:

  • I am capable

  • My kids will get sick, but then they will get better

  • I get to slow down and rest when I need to

  • I get to wear comfy sweaters and warm wool socks

  • I get to help nervous parents get through their children’s first colds. I remember how nervous I felt and how I still feel when my kids are sick. I am so grateful I get to be there for them.

What intentions will you set this fall season? What will you do to be gentle with yourself? How will you support your family and friends?

Jalan Burton