Healthy, happy, and peaceful in 2024: harmony in practice

I took a break from writing a new blog in December because 2 of my old posts were quite timely and I had shared them with several patients.

Read: “what fever is too high” and “holiday traveling pro-tips

I spent December taking care of my patients, spending time with my family, and working with my team so that we can continue to offer the excellent services and access that they love.

As we enter 2024, I am grateful for being able to serve the wonderful families in my community. I am grateful for being able to be present for my family. I am grateful for being a part of several outstanding and supportive business communities.

Here are a few thoughts 2024:

  1. You are worthy of a delicious, joy-filled life that you can savor. This is especially for all of my busy working mamas. You. You deserve it! You get to decide what your joy is and what delicious means to you.

  2. Your commitment to your happiness and peace is a testament to your children. They will watch you rest and know they deserve it. They will watch you dance and know that they need it.

  3. You deserve to be intentional and thoughtful about the time you and your family spend. Who you spend it with and what you spend it doing. Include your family in deciding what you prioritize doing.

  4. You deserve so much health, happiness, and peace. So, now, let’s go attract it and gladly receive it!

I am deeply committed to finding harmony in my practice of optimizing my health, happiness and peace. It is a practice of intention.

Happy 2024, with all of the love, Dr. J!